Too Cool for Internet Explorer
Monday, March 8, 2010
Hello everyone! Have you seen the weather lately? My goodness, isn't it hazy out there? I think it is probably caused by burning vegetation in Australia, Malaysia and Indonesia. Not only that, but the El Nino phenomenon that occurs yearly has been getting worse.

Singapore has hit her highest record temperature ever! At 36.5 or so degrees, its not a surprise if bush fires appear, grass turns brown and everyone becomes sticky, wet and fatigued due to the heat. On the bright side, it finally rained today! Unfortunately, it fell on the day of my class competition. Heck, we still have to thank God for bringing the rain. If not for the rain, I'd would have had to slug home slowly.

Not much is happening to my life here I guess. So, nothing else to post!

9:28 PM By Athrun988